2009年3月18日 星期三


這真的是超級COOL的方法 實際操作後 發現 真的如同


我有安裝 PGP 及 file-encrypt 合法軟體

不過 操作上總是要需入密碼 安全起見 又要常常更換密碼

經常 沒防到壞人 先搞死了自己






第一步:進入 CMD mode

第二步:切換到想要建立文件夾的硬碟區,如 cd d:\

第三步:輸入MD test..\ enter,注意文件夾名後面有2個小數點


看看你的D folder下面是不是多了一個名為test.的文件夾了?

它是既不能進入 又不能被刪除的!



如果想刪除,在命令行窗口中輸入 rd test..\ enter,即可刪除


如果想進入資料夾,在命令行窗口中輸入 start d:\test..\


超強 超好用

2009年3月7日 星期六

Load Sharing Facility(LSF)

Load Sharing Facility(LSF)

最近Survey LSF 軟體,她的官方網站 http://www.platform.com/

既然提到LSF就不能不提到更大的Clusters & Grid的領域應用




3.Internet Bandwidth普及



Platform LSF系列產品包括LSF網格引擎、訂製服務、類似模擬和合成的第三方應用軟體的整合、以及IC設計環境的實踐指南

LSF User Guide http://ls11-www.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/people/hermes/manuals/LSF/users.pdf

電子工程雜誌介紹的文章 http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800344716_480102_NT_20f224d5.HTM

Microsoft介紹的文章 http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/windows2000/hpc/clustech.htm

2009年3月3日 星期二

新加坡3-4 日遊








轉捷運政府大廈City Hall下-->讚美坊-->濱海藝術中心-->魚尾獅公園

步行-->克拉克碼頭Clarke Quay捷運晚餐辣味螃蟹或老巴剎辣味螃蟹-->坐船遊河

午餐地址:697 North Bridge Road(橋北路697號)



早餐:從來佛士坊Raffles Place站G出口,沿朱利亞街(Chulia St.)左轉菲律賓街(Philip St.)直走,

橫過教堂街(Church St.)右轉北京街(Pekin St.),再左轉中國街(China St.)即可抵達。

ChinaTown捷運站-->牛車水ChinaTown(中國集中地)逛街-->馬里安曼廟-->中餐肉骨茶或炒粿條in chinatown

-->遠東廣場-->捷運多美哥Dhoby Ghaut站下烏節路逛街shopping

-->晚餐丹戎巴葛Tanjong pager捷運站-->逛夜市武吉士或牛車水


晚餐:天天海南雞飯no.10 maxwell road


小印度Little India捷運站(印度集中地)逛街

不知回程飛機 所以先排半天



氣溫 20-30

電壓 220/3孔

貨幣 22.6 (=NTD)














p4 指令一覽表

為了方便我自己取閱及管理P4,節錄perforce commands.pdf中的指令說明

p4d 啟動service

p4 admin stop 停下 perforce service (p4win 會出現server error)

p4 info 觀看 perforce啟動後的狀態(也可以看出 p4 有無正常啟動)

p4 diff 比對server - workspace

p4 diff2 比對server中兩個depot

p4 add Open file(s) in a client workspace for addition to the depot.

p4 admin Perform administrative operations on the server.

p4 annotate Print file lines along with their revisions.

p4 branch Create or edit a branch specification and its view.

p4 branchs List existing branch specifications.

p4 browse Browse for a list of zeroconf registered Perforce servers.

p4 change Create or edit a changelist specification.

p4 changelist Create or edit a changelist specification.

p4 changelists List submitted and pending changelists.

p4 chnages List submitted and pending changelists.

p4 client Create or edit a client workspace specification and its view.

p4 clients List all client workspaces currently known to the system.

p4 counter Access, set, or delete a persistent variable.

p4 counters Display list of long-term variables used by Perforce and associated scripts.

p4 delete Open file(s) in a client workspace for deletion from the depot.

p4 depot Create or edit a depot specification.

p4 depots Display a list of depots known to the Perforce server.

p4 describe Provides information about changelists and the changelists' files.

p4 diff Compare a client workspace file to a revision in the depot.

p4 diff2 Compare two depot file revisions.

p4 dirs List the immediate subdirectories of specified depot directories.

p4 edit Opens file(s) in a client workspace for edit.

p4 files Provide information about files in the depot without accessing their contents.

p4 filelog Print detailed information about files' revisions.

p4 fix Link jobs to the changelists that fix them.

p4 fixs List jobs and the changelists that fix them.

p4 flush Update a client workspace's have list without actually copying any files.

p4 fstat Dump file info in format suitable for parsing by scripts.

p4 group Add or delete users from a group, or set the maxresults, maxscanrows, maxlocktime,

and timeout limits for the members of a group.

p4 groups List groups of users.

p4 have List files and revisions that have been synced to the client workspace

p4 help Provide on-line help for Perforce.

p4 info Display information about the current client and server.

p4 integrated Show integrations that have been submitted.

p4 job Create or edit a defect, enhancement request, or other job specification.

p4 jobs List jobs known to the Perforce server.

p4 jobspec Edit the jobs template.

p4 label Create or edit a label specification and its view.

p4 labels Display list of defined labels.

p4 labelsync Synchronize a label with the contents of the current client workspace.

p4 license Update or display the license file.

p4 lock Lock an opened file against changelist submission.

p4 logger Report changed jobs and changelists.

p4 login Log in to a Perforce server by obtaining a ticket.

p4 logout Log out of a Perforce server by removing or invalidating a ticket.

p4 monitor Display Perforce process information

p4 obliterate Removes files and their history from the depot.

p4 opend List files that are open in pending changelists.

p4 passwd Change a user's Perforce password on the server.

p4 print Print the contents of a depot file revision.

p4 protect Control users' access to files, directories, and commands.

p4 protects Display protections in place for a given user, group, or path.

p4 rename Renaming files under Perforce.

p4 reopen Move opened files between changelists or change the files' type.

p4 resolve Resolve conflicts between file revisions.

p4 resolved Display a list of files that have been resolved but not yet submitted.

p4 revert Discard changes made to open files.

p4 review List all submitted changelists above a provided changelist number.

p4 reviews List all the users who have subscribed to review particular files.

p4 set Set Perforce variables in the Windows registry.

p4 sizes Display size information for files in the depot.

p4 submit Send changes made to open files to the depot.

p4 sync Copy files from the depot into the workspace.

p4 tag Tag files with a label.

p4 tickets Display all tickets granted to a user by p4 login.

p4 triggers Edit a list of scripts to be run conditionally whenever changelists are submitted, forms are

updated, or when integrating Perforce with external authentication mechanisms.

p4 typemap Modify the file name-to-type mapping table.

p4 unlock Release the lock on a file.

p4 user Create or edit Perforce user specifications and preferences.

p4 users Print a list of all known users of the current server.

p4 verify Verify that the server archives are intact.確認檔案完整無缺

p4 where Show where a particular file is located, as determined by the client view.

p4 workspace Create or edit a client workspace specification and its view.

p4 workspaces List all client workspaces currently known to the system.

P4 server環境設定指令

p4audit Location of the server audit log file.

p4charset Character set used for translation of unicode files. (設定UTF-8,UTF-16...)

p4client Name of current client workspace.

p4config Contains a file name without a path. The file(s) it points to are used to store other Perforce

environment or registry variables. The current working directory (returned by PWD) and

its parents are searched for the file. If the file exists, then the variable settings within the

file are used.

The variable settings in the file must sit alone on each line and be in the form


p4debug Set Perforce server or proxy trace flags.

p4description In a zerconf environment, a comment describing a Perforce server.

p4diff The name and location of the diff program used by p4 resolve and p4 diff

p4diffunicode Used to support UTF-16 and UTF-32 character sets from the Command-line Client

p4editor The editor invoked by those Perforce commands that use forms.

p4host Name of host computer to impersonate.

p4journal A file that holds the Perforce server database's journal data.

p4language This environment variable is reserved for system integrators.

p4log Name and path of the file to which Perforce server errors are written.

p4merge A third-party merge program to be used by p4 resolve's merge option.

p4name In a zerconf environment, the unique identifiable name for a Perforce server.

p4pager The program used to page output from p4 resolve's diff option.

p4tickets The location of the ticket file used by p4 login.

p4user Current Perforce username.

p4zeroconf If set, p4d attempts to advertise itself as a zeroconf service upon startup.

P4 proxy commands

p4passwd Supplies the current Perforce user's password for any Perforce client command.

p4pcache For the Perforce Proxy, the directory in which the proxy stores its files and subdirectories.

p4pfsize For the Perforce Proxy, the size (in bytes) of the smallest file to be cached. All files larger

than P4PFSIZE bytes in length are cached.

p4poptions Set Perforce Proxy options for a Windows service.

p4port For the Perforce server, and Perforce Proxy, the port number on which it listens.

For Perforce clients, the host and port number of the Perforce server or proxy with which

to communicate.

p4root Directory in which the Perforce server stores its files and subdirectories.

p4target For the Perforce Proxy, the name and port number of the target Perforce server (that is, the

Perforce server for which P4P acts as a proxy).